‘18.703: Modern Algebra’

Table of contents

  1. Course Info
  2. Realistic Prerequisites
  3. Subject Matter
  4. Course Staff
  5. Lectures
  6. Problem Sets
  7. Exams
  8. Resources
  9. Grading
  10. Advice to Future Students

Course Info

Class Size 13
Hours/Week 7.3 (4 responses)
Instructors Victor Kac
Overall Rating 3.8/7.0

Realistic Prerequisites

  • Students recommended knowing linear algebra (18.06 or 18.703) and some set notation.

Subject Matter

  • Students found the subject to be theoretical and broad, but with some additional applications.

Course Staff

  • Students did not find the course staff to be approachable.
  • Class was additionally not canceled during when campus was closed due to weather.


  • Lectures were very useful for understanding the course content.
  • During the lectures, the professor would announce the problem set problems.
  • One student would post these problems on the Canvas site, which the professor would not have done otherwise.

Problem Sets

  • The problem sets were described as long and tedious.
  • Students found the lectures did not prepare them for the problem sets.


  • Students used the practice exams to prepare for the exams.


  • Students used the textbook and the course notes to learn the material.
  • The textbook was “A First Course in Abstract Algebra” by John Fraleigh.


  • Students felt that grading was incredibly strict and not transparent.

Advice to Future Students

  1. ”Find a mentor to help you learn the material outside of class.”
  2. “Do not take this class with Prof. Kac.”