Table of contents
- Course Info
- Realistic Prerequisites
- Subject Matter
- Course Staff
- Lectures
- Problem Sets
- Exams
- Resources
- Grading
- Advice to Future Students
Course Info
Class Size | 27 |
Hours/Week | 10.2 (12 responses) |
Instructors | Jeremy M. Orloff (Lecturer), Yichi Zhang (TA), So Hee Ahn (UA), Jovita R. Li (UA), Maximilian Porlein (UA), Alessandre Santos Sagastume (UA), Willers Muye Yang (UA) |
# of Responses to Course 18 Underground Questions | 7/27 |
Realistic Prerequisites
- Some background in probability and statistics. The course material was somewhat advanced, and it would be hard to develop a good understanding without prior background.
- 18.02 (multivariable calculus).
Subject Matter
- Very applicable if you’re involved in research. Covered statistical methods used to analyze data.
- Presented in thoughtful manner, building on previous concepts.
Course Staff
- AMAZING professor. Students found Jeremy kind, caring, available, passionate about the subject, genuine in his desire for students to succeed, etc.
- TAs were approachable and knowledgeable.
- Students learned the most from the problem sets and from the lecture notes, rather than from lectures.
Problem Sets
- Roughly weekly. Covered the important topics from the week.
- Greatly contributed to learning.
- Occasionally required creativity.
- Challenging and time-consuming but fair.
- 6 quizzes. Students preferred the 6-quiz format to the normal exam format.
- Quizzes were very fair, and course materials provided adequate preparation.
- Lecture notes provided by professor were extremely comprehensive and useful. They were the main class resource.
- The professor also provided pre-class readings and class practice problems, which students found helpful.
- Grading was fair and transparent.
- “I expect most people in this class to get As or Bs.”
Advice to Future Students
- “Advice: take the class if you have even a little interest in statistics”
- “Ensure that you have somewhat of a background in probability/statistics before taking 18.05.”